By Swapan Dasgupta
The lazy journalist, it is often said, invariably
equates his taxi driver with the aam
aadmi. I must confess to falling back on the oldest shortcut in the trade
on my journey from Central London to Heathrow airport on the day after two
fanatics decapitated a British soldier in mufti on a busy street in Woolwich.
The taxi driver turned out to be an Afghan living in
Britain since 1999. A Moscow-trained specialist in drip irrigation from
Mazhar-e-Sharif, he was an ethnic Tajik who had fled the Taliban. He was a
middle-class Afghan who has been reduced to driving taxis in a country that had
no real use for his expertise.
So, I asked, as he helpfully re-tuned his radio to a
station devoted to Bollywood music, what did he think of yesterday’s killing in
Woolwich. “They are crazy people”, he burst, “and they make our lives
miserable. They destroyed Afghanistan with their jihad and now they want to
destroy Britain.”
“If they asked me for advice”, he went on, “do you
know what I would tell the British Government? I would tell them that you can’t
reform these people because their minds are full of half-baked nonsense. There
is just one solution: just shoot them.”
London’s taxi drivers are always full of certitudes
but even by the exacting standards of the Daily
Mail this was going a bit too far. Today’s Britain is so overwhelmingly
obsessed with ‘human rights’ that the deportation of a hateful jihadi who
entered the country on false pretexts and who has since been subsidised by
welfare payments has been endlessly delayed because of fears that Jordan (a
country from which he is a fugitive) uses torture to extract information.
Or take the case of a guy named Anjem Choudary, a
trained lawyer who was the main inspiration for a group called Al Muhajiroun
which has subsequently been banned for its hateful and murderous Islamism. This
gentleman, a favourite of BBC talk shows which need a “balancing” voice is said
to subsist on welfare payments that come from the earnings of decent
individuals. To put it another way, the British state actually pays for
Choudary to motivate young British Muslims into jihad and even helpfully
provides him a platform to broadcast his demands for the destruction of
tolerance and the British way of life. If this isn’t an example of liberal
self-flagellation, I don’t know what is.
Since the Woolwich murder, there have been calls in Britain
for less tolerance of those who disregard the basic rules that govern public
life in a democracy. Pressure is being put on universities to be less indulgent
towards students’ Islamic societies that misuse the pluralism of institutions
of higher learning for the promotion of murder and sectarian conflict. There
have also been calls on the free media to be more circumspect in providing the
oxygen of publicity to the overground voices of the underground.
The last issue is a tricky one. There are many
supporters of terrorism and jihad who mask their real intentions with clever
arguments and diplomatic silence. To demands for outright condemnation of
jihadi atrocities, they invariably fall back on the “roots of terrorism”
argument. The real culprit, they proclaim grandly, is the British policy of
persecution of Muslims in Afghanistan and Libya, its deep links with the US and
its friendship with “racist Zionists” who are out to annihilate the Palestinian
“Leave us in peace” one of the Woolwich killers
hollered at passers-by while flaunting his bloody hands and blood-covered
machete. In his mind, he was the victim and the British state the oppressor.
Last week, I heard the very same arguments on Indian
TV. Following a perfunctory condemnation of the Maoist massacre of a Congress
yatra in the Bastar region of Chhattisgarh, they would invariably shift tack
and talk with poetic indignation on the brutality and even the criminality of
the Indian state. Just as the London-accented jihadi will invoke Palestine,
Chechnya, Afghanistan and even Kashmir, these well-heeled individuals will
romanticise those who are fighting for the rights of India’s tribals against
rapacious corporate houses and their politician friends. Whether it is the
massacre of 75 CRPF jawans in a carefully-planned ambush, the decapitation of a
tribal policeman in Jharkhand and the orchestrated massacre of political
activists last week, the notes of the theme song are common.
The feigned victimhood has been carefully crafted.
The overground friends of the terrorists have systematically drawn a moral
equivalence between a democratic way which, despite all its many imperfections
rests on the will of the people, and an armed struggle that takes Mao Zedong’s
infamous assertion of political power flowing from the barrel of the gun as its
inspiration. The jihadis are not really fighting for either the Palestinian or
the Kashmiri but for a the establishment of a medievalist political order.
Likewise, the Maoists couldn’t give a damn about indigenous peoples and
poverty: their single-minded goal is the creation of liberated zones that will
be used as launch pads for the capture of political power.
Asian Age/ Deccan Chronicle, May 31, 2013